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Working From a Cafe

Programme virtuel



Our program cycle has a duration of four (4) weeks. Our treatment services are offered in both french and english. If you would like to submit an application to us please take a look at our yearly calendar. Here you will find your appropriate language cycle. The Wanaki Center's approach to treatment is a mix of CBT cognitive behavioral therapy and Anishnabe teachings based on the 4 aspects: mental, emotional, physical & spiritual. We invite all Nations from turtle island.

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The Virtual Program

4-week Holistic Program 


  • Based on the Medicine Wheel (Sacred Circles): 
    Spiritual; Emotional; Mental; Physical domains.


  • Based on the 7-Grandfather Teachings:  
    Respect; Humility; Truth; Honesty; Bravery; Wisdom; Love.


  • Based on the 4-sacred medicines as represented in the medicine wheel (Sacred Circles):
    Tobacco; Sweetgrass; Sage; Cedar.


  • The program consists of 35 workshops delivered daily using the Zoom program platform: Monday to Friday: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm and 1:30 to 3:00 pm.


  • Individual sessions with a counsellor are on Thursday afternoons each week.


  • Les participants qui terminent le programme recevront un certificat du centre Wanaki.


Le programme virtuel de 4 semaines du Centre Wanaki a une approche psycho-éducative et n'est pas destiné à fournir une intervention thérapeutique approfondie dans ce cadre.


At any time, participants can opt out or request to speak with a Counsellor off-line by telephone.


Participants are strongly encouraged to seek out individualized support from their referral or other frontline worker.




We'd love to hear from you


(819) 449-7000 Poste 4227


(819) 449-2007


Tél : 819-449-7000, poste 4000
Télécopieur : 819-449-7832

Courriel : reception@wanakicentre.com

Centre Wanaki

50 Wanaki Mikan 

Boîte postale 37

Maniwaki, QC J9E 3B3


1-800-745-4205 (GRATUIT)


Tél : 819-449-7000, poste 4227

Télécopieur : 819-449-2007

Courriel : admissions@wanakicentre.com

© 2021

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